Category: General


graphomate twitters in Design Studio

While the popularity of social networks was increasing extremely over the last decade, companies decided to use them as a platform to advertise their products. There are many techniques for analyzing how the users consume

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Some news on our graphomate bullet graphs

Some time ago, we presented the graphomate bullet graphs extension for SAP Design Studio. Bullet graphs – originally  designed by Stephen Few – are a more comprehensive alternative to gauges when it comes to visualizing data. In early March this year, Rolf Hichert and Jürgen Faisst suggested a few improvements, of which we naturally took the opportunity to incorporate into our extension…

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Festive Creation of Legends

Christmas and its legends are right around the corner. A good time to give away our new legends: the graphomate legends.

Among others, Christmas legends revolve around immaculate conception, the road to Bethlehem, angels,

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I prefer calculating

Pie charts are a popular target for many supposed visualization experts. And that is how it should be! However, this guest post by Manuel Sedlak sheds some new light on the pie chart.

In literature pie charts are

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graphomate Christmas treemaps for free

Christmas is coming and we do look forward to a peaceful time, family and the Christmas tree. Gifts play a certain role and we do not want to come second: during Christmas season, our graphomate

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From gauges to bullet graphs

Speedometer or gauges are still often used in dashboards to display Key Performance Indicators (KPI). But gauges use lots of space and are not very informative. The graphomate bullet graphs therefore offer an alternative for SAP

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“No one has the intention to build a table…”

Finally: After the graphomate charts I am looking forward to present our next add-on for Design Studio: the graphomate tables.

Yet another table component for Design Studio? Yes: From an analytical perspective, the standard crosstab

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